Henry Hotfoot, volcano diver extraordinaire, has dove into the great Mount Largus Eruptus. It appears the volcano does not appreciate this. Mount Largus Eruptus is erupting and good Henry is right at the very bottom of it! How long can you help Henry jump his way around the rising magma and collapsing rocks?

This game was originally made for Game Off 2023. It manages to fit within the jam's theme (scale) in two ways. Firstly, the game is about climbing up (scaling)  a volcano. Secondly, the game scales in difficulty as the player ascends and stays alive for longer.


This game requires a keyboard for full control. The mouse can be used to select options in the menu but will not allow for proper gameplay. Game pad and touch inputs are currently unsupported.

Move←/→, A/D
Jump↑, W, Z, Spacebar
Drop through platforms↓, S
Pause menuEsc, P
Mute or unmuteM

Developer Ramblings

This is the first project of this dev team. We are both long time game players and first time game developers. We sought to create a simple, short arcade gameplay experience able to be enjoyed by players of high and low platforming skill levels. 

Enjoy our game!

Can you beat the developer scores?

ROFLwofls  — 412

wrStorage — 373

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